Sunday, February 19, 2012

As February Winds Down

As you have probably already figured out, Bent Fork Farm is more concept than reality at this point. But in between a couple of job interviews and a lot of rain, some progress has been made. I spent a couple of days up in Sekiu with Tim, and while there he mentioned that he had two food dehydrators (neither of which he had ever used), and I was welcome to have one. He also had two rhubarb plants that hadn't produced well last year, and I suggested perhaps it was time to divide them. And, yes, when he dug them up, they were massive. So I got a couple of those to bring home, too.

Since it was raining too hard to work in Tim's garden, we decided that, since we had plans in Sequim for Saturday night, we'd come back to my house on Friday. On the way home, we stopped at Nash's Farm Store and I bought some nasturtium and basil seeds that were gathered locally by Seed Dreams, a seed-saving project that I had no idea existed among us.

Coming back to Port Townsend gave us a bit of time on Saturday to work outside, and since Tim can make short work of what would take me hours, a lot more of the backyard has been cleared away. Particularly a couple of volunteer holly trees that I have hated for years now. There is more work to be done on the holly tree roots and the large tree of undetermined species will be cut back some more. A lot more. Have I mentioned that Tim is also known as Best Guy Ever? Even more so lately.

After just a couple of hours, I can now see from the back door all the way to the fence. From this angle, you can also really see all of the crap that's in the yard, too. There's a storage shed in the works, and it can't be put up soon enough to suit me. I really don't like to live like a hillbilly.

Part of the crap pile included a TV antennae a friend of mine gave me once, and Tim wanted it to boost his radio reception, so I was happy to give it to him. Seemed like a fair trade for a food dehydrator and some rhubarb.

Anyway, imagine a fire pit in the general area in the right corner of bottom photo where you see those rocks. I hope to have friends over this summer for weenie roasts, s'mores, and general b.s. My friends are exceptionally good at general b.s., so I think they deserve a fire pit.